
Tuesday 8 October 2013

Spinach omelette stuffed with onion and apple chutney!

Hello everyone!! This week has been amazing so far! Went to a careers talk which has not only really helped me focus on what I want I do in the future but I also managed to leave with a free iPad in hand- got chosen as the winner!:D I've also started Crossfit today with my friend Ember and loved every second of it! It was only an introductory class but I am  definitely itching to get going!

The weather is slowly getting chillier day by day, which is gradually making me miss Mauritius more and more as the days go by! I've been indulging in a can of coconut water nearly everyday which although does not compare to the fresh ones in my garden, will do for now!

Anyways back to food talk! This is a very simple recipe but adding a few unusual ingredients does make the difference!! Firstly in the omelette itself, I added spinach and water chestnuts to the mix. Currently loving water chestnuts, their crunchiness is ideal for something like an omelette, contrasts the soft gooey-ness perfectly! As for the onion/apple chutney, I used some leftover store bought stuff my mum had from her visit here but it is so easy to make a delicious healthy version! The sweetness of the chutney works so well here:)!

Enough to stuff 2-3 omelettes
  • 1 large green apple, cored and finely cubed
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp honey/ agave syrup
  • 4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • Cinnamon
1. In a saucepan, sautée your onion in a little oil until soft. Add in the rest of the ingredients and cook down for about 15-20 minutes on low heat until soft, add some water if it dries up quickly. Taste and season with salt and pepper if desired.

1. Prepare your omelette as you normally would, either mix everything together or fry your onions & veggies and have the egg ready to pour in. Once the egg mixture is in the pan, spoon a few teaspoons of chutney along the centre of the omelette, flip and serve.

Simple but won't disappoint!

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